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We are sorry, at the moment we can not offer you any special offer. However, this may change quickly. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit our offer page again soon. You are also welcome to contact us directly with your individual request.

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Contact and MapHow to arrive

Apartment Morans ****

Fam. Franz Oberhofer
Via Funivia 1
39037 Maranza
South Tyrol / Italy

Here you may find our privacy policy
and relevant revocation information.

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Google privacy policies apply.


Arrival by auto

Current traffic situation South Tyrol
Traffic information – Tel: 0039 0471 200198
Current weather condition South Tyrol

Arrival by bus

Arrival by airplane

Look for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich, or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol by SüdtirolBus.

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